Autism Matters

3 Ways to Support Children with Autism in the C...
It sometimes seemed to me that from the moment my child was diagnosed with autism, a ‘race’ was on to prepare him to be able to go to school. Of...
3 Ways to Support Children with Autism in the C...
It sometimes seemed to me that from the moment my child was diagnosed with autism, a ‘race’ was on to prepare him to be able to go to school. Of...

An unspoken truth about being an autism parent
There is something special – almost miraculous - about having a baby. The moment you first hold your baby in your arms you know you would give your life to...
An unspoken truth about being an autism parent
There is something special – almost miraculous - about having a baby. The moment you first hold your baby in your arms you know you would give your life to...

Ideas to keep your ASD child away from the iPad
IPads have opened up a whole new world for children with autism. They can provide wonderful learning opportunities, many with immediate reinforcing responses that reward children’s learning efforts. However, too...
Ideas to keep your ASD child away from the iPad
IPads have opened up a whole new world for children with autism. They can provide wonderful learning opportunities, many with immediate reinforcing responses that reward children’s learning efforts. However, too...

My Autism Journey - So Far
Here at Learning Patch, we're on a mission to make the world a little better for children with autism and their families. We have experienced the uncertainty that comes when...
My Autism Journey - So Far
Here at Learning Patch, we're on a mission to make the world a little better for children with autism and their families. We have experienced the uncertainty that comes when...